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Background story for Marilyn LuPierre (Clan Nosferatu)

08:20 Feb 28 2006
Times Read: 589

Background story for Marilyn LuPierre (Pronounced: “La Bear”/ Derivation of: “Lupine”)

Marilyn had one unquenchable flaw which led to her demise. Marilyn was not the type of student that just memorized facts, Marilyn liked to know WHY and HOW things happened. So during her studies, at Yale law school, this flaw seemed to be an incredible asset. She did not just know names, cases, dates, penal numbers, and outcomes, she knew; no, she LIVED and BREATHED the very spirit, the very essence of the law. She always thoroughly researched every case she studied, spending countless hours in the libraries and on the internet, until she knew HOW and WHY things came to pass. When she graduated at the top 10% of her class and passed the bar with an almost perfect score, she was offered an irresistible position (starting at over $125,000/yr) working in criminal law at a prestigious New York City penthouse law firm on Broad street.

Marilyn spent her first three months in training at that law firm working glorified paralegal duties, and shadowing the attorney of the week. She itched, she ached for something more, so when an irresistible street gang/drug/murder case was presented, she marched straight into the senior partner’s office, and demanded that they either give her the case, or she would leave the firm to find work elsewhere. The senior partner, not wanting to lose this unpolished gem, hesitantly relented but insisted that she provide daily status reports, and made her promise to call him in immediately at the first glimpse of anything “unusual.”

In the interest of saving a tree, let’s just say that this neophyte attorney in training found that her atypical “further investigation” of “a murder most foul” landed her in the sewers, her memory wiped clean of all knowledge of the case she was working on, and also most of her law school training. She awoke to her new world, as a baby, far from a luxury condominium in downtown New York, in the presence of rats, mold, sludge, and hideous creatures of the night.

In short, Marilyn had become a ghoul. The NOS kept her locked up and on a VERY short leash for about a year. She was as an infant, helpless, completely dependent upon them. They needed to nurture her, they needed to teach her; they NEEDED her. So they enslaved her. She was bound to a “Primogen Nosferatu,” nurtured, fed and enslaved for endless days, and endless nights. When she was finally ADDICTED to the point where there was no turning back, she was given a little more freedom. She learned cloak of shadows and unseen presence because the Nos found it helpful that their little “daytime gopher bitch” could get in and out of places unseen. When she was finally allowed out of the sewers, she spent all of her time bending to the will and bidding of these unfathomable creatures, and although she craved what they gave her, she HATED every minute of her enslavement. She knew that this was not the life she was destined for, every night she would fall asleep dreaming of the day when she would finally be free.

Two years later, she noticed that the rats, and the crows were no longer following her. Given this opportunity to get away unmonitored, she started searching for answers. Answers. Answers to life, answers to how this unfathomable curse could have possibly befallen her. HOW and WHY. She always did right. She was a helper. She never cheated on an exam, she never stole, she rarely lied, she never even had SEX! (She was never married.) Somehow, call it synchronicity, she found Marcus.

Marcus was a thirty year old gentleman who seemed to have many lifetimes of knowledge. He knew things that she had only read about in storybooks, and a few things in great detail that she had found in the encyclopedia. He knew about past lifetimes, Native American traditions and spirit guides, African Voodoo, Celtic magic, the Cabbala, Egyptian magik, many things she had never heard of, and he even knew about “THEM.” The undead.

He told her that he was the reincarnate of Merlin the Magician, and she was his long lost love. It seemed to her, that he was her knight in shining armor. If anyone would know how to break this bond, surely, he would know. She found herself spending time with him more and more frequently. She even, accidentally, found that she woke up at his place in the mornings. The SEX was incredible. She had never had sex before, but he seemed to know exactly what to do, exactly when, exactly how to make her feel like a FREE woman! His penis, she might say it was just the right size, when he did her doggie style, it touched the top of her, and hurt just slightly. But it hurt soooo good!

She felt nauseous every time she felt “the call” and she had to leave. She wanted to stay forever in his arms, under his protection. But she knew that if her masters found out about this, Marcus would be murdered. She felt that he would meet a terrible demise so unfair, like so many other innocents she had seen. She was a bit paranoid, especially, once when he found a rat in his apartment. He wanted to let it out and set it free. (He was very kind like that. He was incredibly kind.) She demanded that he kill it.

In retrospect, she believes that this was the first straw in the events to follow. Marcus loved every creature. He especially loved cats. He owned six cats, all named after LORD OF THE RINGS characters. Gandalf, Frodo, Merry, Legolas, Arowen, Galadriel, and Sauron. Sauron was special. Sauron was a cat that had “thumbs.”

Marcus’ cats were also trained in the reverence of life. They never even killed a bug. They were trained to delicately pick it up in their mouths and take it outside through the “cat door” and set it free. Marcus believed that Marilyn was a cat in a prior life. He believed that the CAT was Marilyn’s spirit guide. He would say over and over again. “Whenever you are in trouble, just be the cat. The cat has nine lives. The cat can sense danger. The cat can see spirits. The cat can heal. The cat knows the unknown. The cat always lands on its feet. You are the cat. Just be the cat.”

But for Marilyn to insist that Marcus kill this rat, was possibly an irreparable stake in their relationship. Over the next few weeks, they would fight more often. Marcus seemed more distant. He didn’t always want to see her when she could get free. He was suddenly “busy.” After about three months, Marilyn’s curiosity got the better of her. She found her way into his apartment, obfuscated, and just waited… waited…. Waited.

About four hours later, Marcus came home with another “version” of her. She heard that this girl’s name was “Julie Strange.” She cannot describe what she saw. It was too painful. She saw things that he “only ever did with her.” He was doing these things with this NEW girl. Marilyn knew that there was something called “masquerade” and she was forbidden to show her “powers” to anyone that was not like her masters. So she had to sit there and watch the whole show. All TWELVE hours of it. (He only ever lasted SIX with her!) She was devastated, but she could not cry. She could not run out. She could not slam the door. She could not breach the masquerade. She was permanently scarred. She was scarred forever.

Marilyn called Marcus the next day. He answered the phone. She wanted to know if he would tell her the truth. She asked him, “So, what did you do last night?” Silence. There was an uncomfortable pause that seemed like it lasted an hour. He admitted that he was “READING” a woman that needed his help. He admitted that they kissed, he felt a “connection” and needed to see what that was all about. But he admitted nothing more. She hung up the phone. She went back to the sewers. She went to her old room. She locked herself in, and wouldn’t come out. She wanted to die.

This was her first love and he betrayed her. She would never again see the light of day. She never wanted to eat food again. She knew if she tried to eat, she would throw up. The misery and depression went on for about three months. In the meantime, Marcus was worried because he hadn't seen Marilyn in quite some time. He ventured out (using astral projection and his own dumb luck and two feet) and tried to "find her." (BIG Mistake) Within a week the primogen Nosferatu knocked on the door of Marilyn's old prison. She was dirty, skinny, unwashed and her face was stained with weeks of tears. She looked up. He said three words, “It is finished.” Then before he could offer her the comfort that she so needed at the moment, he disappeared into a cloud of mist.

Chills ran up and down her spine. Could he be talking about what she thinks he is talking about? How did he know? What the hell happened? What was finished? She was cold. She was numb, but at the same time she knew in her gut what her master had done, and she was angry. She was enraged! (and what was with that mist thing? She had never seen that before!!!) Marilyn was PISSED. She wanted Marcus back. She wanted revenge on the master that had enslaved her for so many years… and killed her one true love, so she came up with a plan.

+++Long story short, she did some dealings, found another NOS that hated the primogen, one that was "unbondable" and she hoped that he could pass on this trait to her so that she would never have to be a slave again. In exchange for him teaching her MASK of 1000 faces, and turning her into a vampire, she swore to him that when she was strong enough, she would kill her master, their primogen.+++ (ABOUT LEARNING MASK: She was really new to this, and didn’t realize that this NOS had deceived her. She didn’t know that she would learn MASK automatically in time. Was he really that trustworthy? Well, she did find someone who was the most backstabbing of the NOS, someone who wanted to kill the primogen leader of his clan. This was all too confusing. She knew she needed some time to figure things out. Would he still be alive to be reckoned with when she came back? Who knew?)

First thing first, she needed to get away and get her head straight. A vacation was just the thing. But where? To the south of France! +++ The MUSICAL derangement happens in FRANCE, but that is ANOTHER story which may or may not have something to do with the fact that she was a new, unsponsored kindred in an old country, she was captured brought to the basement of a musical theatre, held captive in a cage under the stage, and tortured for maybe a year. Day after day, musical after musical would play above her. It was liked being trapped in a room with a radio that played 30 songs when you had no control of the dial.+++ She would live in the South of France as a brand new independent kindred for FIVE YEARS. That seemed like it would be enough time to get her head straight, and toughen her up to do her job if it came to that. She swore that she would be away for five years before she would decide whether her past feelings merited doing something so incredibly dangerous. She needed a “cooling off” period, and a long vacation would be just the thing. She decided that when she finally comes back to the east coast, she will go someplace OTHER than New York first, put her ear to the ground, see what has changed, and see what still needs to be done. Perhaps nothing? Perhaps everything!

In the meantime, Marcus haunts Marilyn’s every step. He thinks that SHE is the reason that he met his untimely death at the hands of something so hideous, the likes of which he had never seen before. (Hey, in all seriousness, he didn't have to go out looking for her or anything.) But it would seem that he still loves her, in a way… because whenever there is trouble, he keeps reminding her, “Just be the cat!”

“Oh! Duh! Real helpful. Gee. Thanks, Marcus!”

She dreamt of the day she would be free, little did she know, she would never see that day. Instead it was endless, seemingly endless nights. But for all that torment and suffering, for all her years of enslavement, the gods had given her two blessings. It would seem, she is un-bondable, AND she can eat human food, and drink wine. But the curse that put her in this situation to begin with, her investigative nature, was married with her recently aquired rebellious streak. Marilyn has a very helpful demeanor, but is not too fond of someone ordering her around anymore, and feels she must know the WHY and HOW of everything before she will decide whether to comply (a trait that could cause a nearly deadly standoff with a prince.) Too many "Orders" in her life as a ghoul, too many innocents were in the way of these undead, and she was left with too many horrible nightmares.

But now that she is back from her five year vacation in France, not only is she stronger, but she has this incredibly unshakable urge, to buy and build the biggest theatre, and put on the most elaborate shows that ANY city has ever seen! You see, Marilyn was always a helper. So, where on the east coast could use this new love and passion to boost in the local economy (and boost her fame and fortune as well?)

Why Pittsburgh! Of COURSE!



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